Silicon Carbide
Chemical Formula : CSi
Mohs Scale : 9, 9.5
Crystal System : Hexagonal
Chemical Formula : Bi, BiO2
Crystal System : Rhombohedral
Melting Point : 271.5 °C
Bismuth is a are metal that is solid at room temperature. It is more rare than platinum, ranking number 69 out of the 75 listed rare elements found on Earth's crust. Bismuth is a crystalline white metal that is still solid at room temperature, however, it doesn’t take much to melt it. Once molten, after the bismuth cools back down, it organizes its molecules into really interesting shapes. The iridescent coloring is due to a thin layer of bismuth oxide that forms on the surface of the crystal as it cools
Chemical Formula : V
Ferro Vanadium
Chemical Formula : FeV
Copper Sulphate
Chemical Formula : CuSO4·5H2O
Mohs Scale : 2.5
Crystal System : Triclinic
Chemical Formula : Si
Mohs Scale : 6.5
Crystal System : FCC
Silicon Carbide
Chemical Formula : Mg
Mohs Scale : 1 - 2.5
Crystal System : Hexagonal